03:02 / 2025-02-23

Nodira Rakhmonberdieva

Nodira Rakhmonberdieva

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Coordinator of Educational Programs

Alumnus of the Faculty of Physics, Tajik State University.

Mrs. Rakhmonberdieva has been working for National Association of Independent Media since the very beginning, i.e. since 1999, when NANSMIT was established as a Tajik media NGO.

Nodira Rakhmonberdieva took part in special training courses on interactive teaching methodologies in Tashkent, Almaty, Bishkek, Budapest, and Tirana. She has been working as trainer/teacher for more than seven years.

Performing duties of coordinator of NANSMIT media volunteers, she participated in designing special program on vocational training for freelance journalists.

Mrs. Rakhmonberdieva has implemented and coordinated a number of educational programs launched by the Association, including “Support to Independent Tajik Media”, “Development of the NANSMIT affiliates’ role and capacity in democratic alterations”, “Interaction in the name of Democracy”, and many others.

Nodira Rakhmonberdieva has a practical experience in assessment of project and research activities in the sphere of media and development of civil society.

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