Ҳадафҳо ва вазифаҳои АМВАОМТ
Goals and Tasks
NANSMIT facilitates the formation of democratic institutions by developing independent mass media in Tajikistan. The Association’s main subject of activities is protection of its entities’ rights, representation of their interests among the State institutions, and coordination of activities among the independent media involved in creation and dissemination of TV and radio programs, and printing outlets on the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan.
NANSMIT performs the following tasks:
- creation of a system of horizontal relations and mutual support of NANSMIT’s entities in their everyday activities;
- studies and recommendations on media trends, TV and radio services, advertisement and marketing;
- creation of funds, business and other legal entities providing services to independent media;
- facilitation to its members in their entrepreneurial initiatives by finding reliable partners for joint activities; provision of information and legal support;
- participation in symposiums, workshops, exhibitions and other events for exchange of experience and establishment of business relations;
- cooperation with domestic, foreign and international unions, associations and other similar units;
- vocational training for experts and personnel by means of educational programs, seminars, study tours and internships;
- publishing activities;
- audio and video production;
- charitable events;
- other types of activities according to NANSMIT’s Charter, which are in compliance with the legislation.
If necessary, the Association obtains licenses on the relevant types of activities, in accordance with the legislation.
20.11.2019 12:36