Tajikistan and other countries of Central Asia in the list of "authoritarian regimes"
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04:27 / 2025-03-15

Tajikistan and other countries of Central Asia in the list of "authoritarian regimes"

20230524 Freedom House

Freedom House, an international organization that monitors democracy and human rights, has included all five Central Asian countries in its new ranking of "strengthened authoritarianism."

In its annual report, Freedom House analyzes the level of democracy in the countries of the former communist camp in Europe, the Balkans and Eurasia. The evaluation is carried out in different categories, including national governance, electoral process, civil society, media freedom, local governance and corruption.

20230524 Freedom House2 

Scores range from 1 (lowest score) to 7 (highest score) for each category. In this ranking, 8 out of 29 countries remained in the category of "strengthened authoritarian regimes", including Belarus, Azerbaijan, Russia and the countries of Central Asia. According to the experts of the rating, the governments of these countries have neglected the basic obligations of any state to ensure the safety of the population, creating a direct threat to the life and safety of citizens.


20230524 Freedom House3

In 2023, democracy indicators declined in 11 of the 29 countries included in the report, and they improved in 7 countries. Nevertheless, civic activists and democratic leaders continued to fight for better governance in various regions, the report says.

Monitoring Service of NANSMIT



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