European Commission to provide 3 million euros to promote reducing inequalities in tajikistan
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08:48 / 2025-03-01

European Commission to provide 3 million euros to promote reducing inequalities in tajikistan

20230420 APThe European Commission has announced a Call for Proposals with an overall objective of contribution to reducing inequalities in Tajikistan, according to the European Union (EU) Delegation to Tajikistan.

The Call consists of two lots:

Lot 1: Protecting and promoting human rights in Tajikistan, which aims at supporting Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in their capacities as recognized actors in the process of democratic governance, and promotion and protection of human rights.

Lot 2: Supporting CSOs in their Actions in Tajikistan, which aims at strengthening CSOs in Tajikistan through actions contributing to promoting their participation in the improvement of good governance for equitable and sustainable growth.

3,070,000 euros will be allocated in total, including 1,170,000 euros for Lot 1 and 1,900,000 euros for Lot 2.

The amount of the grants that the applicants can request: Lot 1: minimum EUR 200 000– maximum EUR 400 000; and Lot 2: minimum EUR 400 000 – maximum EUR 600 000

Duration of the proposed projects for both Lots: minimum 24 months – maximum 36 months

Civil Society Organizations established in Tajikistan or in EU member nations can apply. The countries as stipulated in the basic act NDICI-GE are also eligible to apply.

To help applicants familiarize themselves with the system and procedures before online submission of their proposals, an information session will be organized on May 2, 2023, at 14:00 at the Delegation of the European Union to Tajikistan 74, Adhamov Street, Dushanbe). Participants also can attend the information session online.

Those interested in this session need to send an email by April 26, 2023 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. indicating: name, surname, nationality and email address of the persons who are going to participate, in-person or online (a link for connecting to the session will be shared with online participants), as well as their organization (max two participants per organization in case of in-person participation).

An overall objective of contribution is in reducing inequalities in Tajikistan; illustrative photo /


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