Nematullo Mirsaidov: The DW Akademie project and NANSMIT - effective and in demand
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06:17 / 2025-03-01

Nematullo Mirsaidov: The DW Akademie project and NANSMIT - effective and in demand

Nematullo MirsaidovI have been impressed for several days now by the results of the great work done by the Tajik journalists from Sugd region as part of another phase of the joint project between DW Akademie and NANSMIT, in which I took part as a mentor. The project "Conflict-Sensitive and Constructive Coverage of Events on the Tajik-Kyrgyz Border" was implemented by NANSMIT (Tajikistan) in cooperation with the German international media development organization DW Akademie with funding from the German Federal Foreign Office.

I admit that the results exceeded all expectations. It turns out that it is possible to write positively about the border even in a difficult period of confrontation between the peoples of the two republics - Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Such a number of professionally prepared positive materials about life and processes in the border area were not written during the period when both journalists from Tajikistan and journalists from Kyrgyzstan took part in the project. Despite the fact that the wounds of the clashes of September 14-16, 2022, when more than 140 people died and hundreds were injured on both sides, Tajik journalists were able to prepare a wide variety of articles, reports, essays on how to achieve lasting peace on the border, how to restore the way of life, which was called by the simple word "good neighborliness". And most importantly, the materials were good quality, mostly balanced, in compliance with the basic norms, principles and standards of international journalism.

I recommended series of topics to cover life in Tajik-Kyrgyz border as specialist who knows well the border problems. It gave me great satisfaction that journalists prepared materials on these topics. These are issues of delimitation and demarcation of the border, watershed, border markets, transport communications, the life of the Kyrgyz diaspora in Tajikistan. It is apparent that a complete balance of opinions due to the closure of the border between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan should not be expected, but the increased professionalism of journalists in Tajikistan, especially journalists from Sugd region, made it possible to find a solution to this problem. Many journalists used their existing contacts in Kyrgyzstan. Some went the other way: studying early publications, they skillfully used opinions previously voiced in the media, which also testifies to the search and study of materials about the border. Most of the materials were based on a deep analysis of the situation in the border area. This is what distinguished the articles of journalists Kamar Akhror, Farzona Murodi and Ozod Meliboev, telling about the border dispute between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, and the role of border markets in the development of the economy of the two states, the formation of an atmosphere of friendship and cooperation.
Worthy as well were the publications of Alisher Okhunov and Abdumutalib Sharipov, who devoted their works to the role of "people's diplomacy" in restoring good neighborly relations and the principles of the watershed on the trans boundary Isfara River, as an unshakable system capable of preventing possible conflicts over water supply issues.

Journalists Firuza Mirdzhumayeva and Shakhbon Olimova told about the Kyrgyz diaspora. Moreover, Mirdzhumaeva found in the depths of the Sugd region the residences of ethnic Kyrgyz, which were unknown to a large circle of readers. Olimova spoke in detail about the problems in the education system in Kyrgyzstan. By the way, Shahbonu Olimova was the only representative of the state publication, who not only took part in the project, but also placed her article in the state regional printed publication - the newspaper "Sogdiyskaya Pravda".

"Conflict-sensitive and constructive coverage of events on the Tajik-Kyrgyz border" project has shown not only viability, but also its effectiveness in reducing the level of tension.

I am certain that a series of publications on the topic of the border that responds to the project principle “DO NO HARM!”, at a time when relations of friendship and cooperation are being re-formed on the Tajik-Kyrgyz border, will be a good assistance in developing and establishing a lasting peace and stability in Central Asian region. And I consider it is necessary to continue the project, the format of which can be expanded if the parties agree on opening the borders.

Nematullo Mirsaidov, international journalist


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