Kasim Bekmuhammedov: Strong stable steps of young journalists are being observed related to coverage of border issues
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06:15 / 2025-03-01

Kasim Bekmuhammedov: Strong stable steps of young journalists are being observed related to coverage of border issues

Kasim BekmukhamedovThe younger generation of journalists professionally covering events on the Tajik-Kyrgyz border have joined the crew.

The results of the work of journalists in the framework of the project "Conflict-sensitive and constructive coverage of events on the Tajik-Kyrgyz border",implemented by NANSMIT (Tajikistan) in cooperation with the international media development organization of Germany DW Akademie, with funding from the German Federal Foreign Office, turned out to be very positive and useful . This primarily applies to y young journalists shuch as Umedchon Ibrohimzoda, Bakhtiyor Rakhmatulloev, Nurangez Rustamzoda, Saidabdullo Nuriddinzoda, Farrukh Usmonov, who decided to take the most serious and thorough approach to covering the Tajik-Kyrgyz border issues. Their work generally met the standards developed in 2016 by journalists from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan as part of the MediaMost network. They took into account the principles of objectivity, maintaining a balance of opinions and ethical standards, reliability of facts and positive stories.

According to the project participants, participation in the project allowed them to improve their existing skills and increase the level of knowledge that contribute to better coverage of the multifaceted problems of the border. It should also be noted that all project participants managed to prepare and publish their materials within the specified time frame. Therefore, participants had to visit the border areas, conduct numerous conversations with local residents, as well as with representatives of local authorities.

Journalists participating in the project interacted with mentors Nematullo Mirsaidov, Nuriddin Karshiboev, Rajabi Mirzo and Sherali Rizoyon who are well-known and experienced journalists and experts which is another positive outcome of the project. Young journalists expressed a desire to use their advice when preparing new materials on border topics.

Despite to the short time of the “Conflict-sensitive and constructive coverage of events on the Tajik-Kyrgyz border” project, it turned out to be very positive and effective. Therefore, it is worth to consider continue the project in order to develop the professional skills of young generation in the field of constructive journalism.

Kasim Bekmuhammedov - regional affairs expert.

PS: Materials of young authors are below:

  1. Bakhtiyor Rahmatulloev. Border conflict between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Is there a need for a mediator?
  2. Umedjon Ibrohimzoda. Tajik-Kyrgyz border conflict. Which approach is more optimal?
  3. Farrukh Usmonov. Joint cemetery. Human factors should not be forgotten in border conflicts.
  4. Nurangez Rustamzoda. Tajik-Kyrgyz border conflict. Is consensus possible?
  5. Saidabdullo Nuriddinzoda. Isfara: the burned down school will be rebuild.


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