What issues were discussed at the press conference on February 15th?
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07:04 / 2025-03-01

What issues were discussed at the press conference on February 15th?


Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, State Committee of land and geodesy of the Republic of Tajikistan, National Bank of Tajikistan, Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Tajikistan, Customs Service under the Government of Tajikistan, Executive authority of Shohmansur district and Executive authority of Firdavsi district held press conferences on the Summary of 2022 on February 15th.

According to Ramazon Rahimzoda, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan, three police officers were arrested for negligence during the arrest of Abdukahor Rozikov and several others were fired. The minister did not specify how many in fact were fired in connection with the case of Abdukahor Rozikov. 37-year-old Abdukahor Rozikov and a father of two on January 2nd​ was arretsted by the police and died under mysterious circumstances.
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Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Tajikistan revealed 377 million somoni damages. 19 people were fired state institutions. It was informed by the representatives of this institution at the press conference. ​

The chair of the National Bank of Tajikistan Hokim Kholiqzoda at the press conference on February 15th​ said that in 2022 15% of money transfer of residence from Russia came through the export of products. ​

The chair of land and geodesy of the Republic of Tajikistan Orif Khojazoda announced at the press conference about the strengthening of measures to combat the violation of land legislation.

Farzona Sharipova, Monitoring Service of NANSMIT



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