From 196 incompetent people occupying positions to the voluntary departure of imprisoned emigrants from prison to the war. What was said at the press conferences?
     TJ RU EN
06:43 / 2025-03-01

From 196 incompetent people occupying positions to the voluntary departure of imprisoned emigrants from prison to the war. What was said at the press conferences?

Press-conference 4aMinistry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan, Civil Service Agency under the President of Tajikistan, Management Academy under the President of republic of Tajikistan, Open Joints Stock Company “Barqi Tojik,” Open Joints Stock Company “Power transmission network” held press conferences on the summary of 2022 on February 13th.

Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of the population of the Republic of Tajikistan held press conferences at the ministry itself at 10:00. According to the representative of the Ministry of Labor in the Russian Federation imprisoned emigrants are joining the war in Ukraine voluntary; they are not forced by anybody. Prisoners were taken to the war by force and threats said the relatives of the killed prisoners. Gulnora Kenja the Minister of Labor and Migration and Employment of the population didn’t provide journalists with the statistics of Tajik immigrants with the excuse of differences between the Russian statistics with ours.

The press conferences of Open Joints Stock Company “Barqi Tojik,” ​ and Open Joints Stock Company “Power transmission network” was held at 10:00 at the meeting room of the Open Joints Stock Company “Barqi Tojik.” ​ According to Mahmadumar Asozoda reconnection of Tajikistan to the energy system of Central Asia is being implemented. Energy system of the Republic of Tajikistan works separately from the energy system of Central Asia. ​

The press conference of the Civil Service Agency under the President of Tajikistan was held at 11:00 in the meeting room of Management Academy under the President of republic of Tajikistan. According to the conclusion of the attestation commission, from 2592 civil servants 2396 were competent to the position they were in. The mentioned commission counted incompetent 196 civil servants.

The director of Civil Service Agency under the President of Tajikistan Juma Davlatov informed reporters in this regard.

Farzona Sharipova, NANSMIT Monitoring Servises


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