Final press conferences of state departments are starting in Tajikistan.
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02:53 / 2025-03-01

Final press conferences of state departments are starting in Tajikistan.

Pres-konferencePress conferences of ministries and state departments are starting January 30th - reports NIAT Khovar.

Starting January 30th ministries and departments, organizations and institutions, executive bodies of state power of Badakhshan autonomous region, Sugd and Khatlon regions, Dushanbe city, cities and towns of the country will hold press conferences of 2022 results.

Conference organization and holding plan approved by the head of executive office of the president of the Republic of Tajikistan from January 20th 2023. According to the approved plan press conferences will start January 17th and will end February 17th.

Frist presidential order of holding quarterly press conferences was published on March 4th 2005 in order to provide transparence of activities of ministries and departments, as well as media access to official information.

In 2011 amendments were added to the order according to which heads of ministries and departments of the country have to meet with the representative of the media once every six months.

NANSMIT Monitoring Service



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