Journalism School for Border Conflict Reporting.
     TJ RU EN
05:41 / 2025-03-01

Journalism School for Border Conflict Reporting.

20221222  NANSMIT engThe Journalism School began its work today in Guliston City, Sugd region.

This six day school is designed for journalists and bloggers who follow conflict-sensitive topics, especially border developments between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. These six days experienced experts and trainers such as Rajab Mirzo, Kasym Bekmukhammed, Nematullo Mirsaidov, Sherali Rezoyon and others will discuss issues: constructive coverage of border conflicts between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, the role of journalists of covering border conflicts, international standards in covering conflict-sensitive topics and other issues related to border events. Shakhnoz Komilzoda, who covered the recent border conflict between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan directly from the scene, will as well share her experience. 20 journalists will participate.

First to speak was political scientist Abdullo Rakhnamo who gave a lecture on the history of border disputes between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, the official position of the parties regarding the state border. Nematullo Mirsaidov an expert on border issues talked about journalistic standards while covering conflict-related topics, especially border conflicts, using the example of events between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

This school of journalism is part of the project “Conflict-Sensitive and Constructive Coverage of Events on the Kyrgyz-Tajik Border”, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt), implemented by NANSMIT in cooperation with the international media development organization of Germany DW Akademie.

Rukhshona Khakimova, NANSMIT Monitoring Service.


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