Ribeyro wanted freedom for Gurbati
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02:44 / 2025-03-01

Ribeyro wanted freedom for Gurbati

20221007 РибейроRibeyro wanted freedom for Gurbati. What is going to change the Representatives of Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE) in Tajikistan. 
Representatives of OSCE  visited Tajikistan to discuss the situation of freedom of press.  The trip took place when the several journalists have been arrested and are being send to prison one after another by the court. 
The OSCE representative on Freedom  of the Media Teresa Ribeyro  posted in Telegram on October 6th and mentioned that she was in Tajikistan and expressed her disagreement regarding the verdict of journalist Abdulloh Gurbati. 26- year- old Gurbati was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison. 
“Such terrible verdicts endanger the freedom of speech. He should be released,”—wrote Ribeyro in Telegram. 
One of the Radio Ozodi's sources confirmed on Thursday that during the meeting of the   OSCE representatives with government authority,Ribeyro expressed her concerns on «imprisoned journalists, Abdulloh Gurbati's verdict, attack on the reporters especially the stuff of Radio Ozodi.» 
The authority of Tajikistan hasn’t officially stated anything about the meeting with the representative of Organization for Security and Cooperation. Only the Ministry of Culture reported that their representative met with the OSCE representatives.   According to official news the various media fredoom have been disscussed, particulary freedom of speech and legal rights of journalists, however it is not know what is said and hear by two sides. 
According to found information some of the members of mass media and social organizations also met with the OSCE representatives, but didn't give any information about it.


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