Abdullo Gurbati's verdict is unfair; however, it was not unexpected.
     TJ RU EN
03:10 / 2025-03-01

Abdullo Gurbati's verdict is unfair; however, it was not unexpected.

Karshibaev Furthermore, holding the court session behind closed doors and failing to satisfy the defendant's petition and his defence counsel during the trial did not fully ensure Abdullo's rights during the court process. 
All international organizations on the freedom of speech and human rights defenders kept their eyes on this case, and its outcome is contrary to the requirements of a legal and democratic country, which is Tajikistan under the Constitution.
If the crimes of Abdullo Gurbati could be proven by material evidence, the trial should have been a public and informed society of what crime was committed by Abdullo. But today, all this behind-the-scenes activity has turned into 7.5 years of prison.
Must be taken additional steps to ensure Abdullo's rights have been respected and secured by the courts, based on national and international legal norms. Since several more cases of journalists are pending.
We should also note that publishing information about Abdullo's amnesty is not a legitimate method of enforcing the rule of law. Everything must be done within the framework of the law, following the requirements of Tajik and international legislation.
Of course, we will follow this case and ensure Abdullo's right to a fair trial. While he requires a request and raises questions about each accusation, the authorities are obliged to consider his demand based on the requirements of the law and prove his guilt with facts.
As for the statement's publication, we think about that, as it is not difficult to prepare it. However, we want it to be a statement that will influence the decision of law enforcement agencies.


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