Preventing further spread of misinformation
     TJ RU EN
06:58 / 2025-03-01

Preventing further spread of misinformation

Fake news, accidental mistakes, and intentional manipulation: these pitfalls lie in wait for many on the web. It’s journalists though who must be particularly mindful—as they are the mouthpiece transmitting information onto bigger audiences. The new online learning course ‘Factchecking: examples of post truth and verification tools’ created by Thomson Mediain cooperation withNANSMIT, will allow Tajik media professionals to avoid the trap of false reports.

After the course completion, students will learn to puzzle out intentional and unintentional information perversion, authors’ and disinformation disseminators’ motives. They will be able to identify false and misleading information on social media using a set of tools.

The course will allow for clearer understanding of how to safely identify, report and debunk disinformation. Finally, its certified completers will critically analyze different notices and their sources.

Besides the theory part, the course is filled with useful hints. It is showcasing real situations from the practice of leading media professionals.


Rustam Goulov—expert in media literacy and multimedia at Internews Tajikistan. Media trainer, blogger, cofounder of the first fact checking platform of Tajikistan Factcheck.tjand blogging

FarishtamohGulova—expert in ICT for development. Co-author and administrator of the website ICT4D.Tajikistan, media trainer and consultant, open data expert.Trainer in basic IT skills, Internet risks, digital hygiene and safe Internet, open data, multimedia tools, digital literacy, leadership and activism.

JamshedMarupov—factchekingjournalist, mediatrainer. Co-founder of Factcheck.tjandZiraMedia websites, Chief Editor at From 2012 he has been doing journalistic investigations.

The course instructor is MatlubaMustaeva—independent journalist originating from Central Asia and currently working in Berlin. Graduate of the faculty of international journalism (Tashkent), has rich experience of working for international media. Former head of the sporting news agency, worked in online journalism and social media networking in international media companies.

Please join the learning process right away!

If you haven’t done any courses on the Journalism Now platform, it will offer you to sign up. You will then be able to use the login and password that you get to enroll for the course, which you can undergo at any time.

Warm welcome!

 For reference:

‘Factchecking: examples of post truth and verification tools’is the second specialized online learning course for Tajikistan created by Thomson Media. It’s available in both Tajik andRussian.

It follows the online course ‘Access to information in Tajikistan’ which can also be found in TajikandRussian.

The courses come as a result of cooperation of Thomson Media and NANSMIT in the project ‘Righting the Balance: Building the Resilience and the Relevance of Independent Media in Tajikistan’. TheprojectisfundedbytheEuropean Unionand is being implemented by NANSMIT in partnership with Thomson Media and the ‘Your Lawyer’ human rights advocacy group.


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