From July 12, press conferences will begin in the ministries and departments of Tajikistan
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12:51 / 2025-03-14

From July 12, press conferences will begin in the ministries and departments of Tajikistan

PressconferenceAccording to NIAT "Khovar", from July 12, ministries, departments, organizations and institutions, executive bodies of state power in GBAO, Sughd and Khatlon regions, the city of Dushanbe, cities and districts of the republic will begin to hold press conferences on the results of activities for the first half of 2022.

The plan for organizing and holding press conferences was approved by the head of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

During press conferences, which will be held every working day by several ministries and departments, media representatives will be able to get answers to their questions.

Responsible persons of ministries, departments, organizations and institutions operating in the city of Dushanbe must coordinate the time of holding press conferences with the National News Agency of Tajikistan "Khovar" by phone 238-52-23, 888-08-34-04.

Announcements about the time and place of the press conference are published every working day on the website of NIAT "Khovar" - in Tajik and Russian.

According to the approved schedule, press conferences will begin on July 12 and end on August 5.

Recall that press conferences are held in accordance with the Order of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated September 15, 2011.

NANSMIT monitoring service




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